субота, 19. октобар 2013.

Post appocalyptic open world survival game of the future

Have you ever watched The Walking Dead TV show? Or have you read the comics? For those who did, they surely loved to play Telltale's game The Walking Dead.
When i heard about the Telltale's game, i was curious about it, but i didn't get too excited. "It's a game where you make decisions.... mehhh..." i said to myself, but once i started playing with Lee and started interacting with other characters... i am just going to say that i got obsessed about it.
You don't just control the characters like in any other games, you actually become the character and shape the story the way you like it. You get emotionally attached - a thing you don't usually expect from a video game.
It was quite sure from it's release that it was going to become a big thing.
But, the fact that you make decisions, doesn't make the story dramatically different, you usually can't change major event's in the plot. It was great regardless of that.
It was not the first game to introduce the idea of making decisions and choices, but it was revolutionary in it's own way. The only other game i loved as much as The Walking Dead was Heavy rain. I guess the artistic style and emotions helped Telltale's game to become so popular. In today's gaming world, it was a courageous move to focus on the emotions rather than action packed with guns and destruction.
Ever since i read the Walking Dead comics, i got sucked into the world of zombies. Zombies aren't the only threat in the post apocalyptic world. Yes, the zombies can kill you but the real threat comes from other survivors. It would be scary to live in that world, but that's the point of the comic - it places you into the world of death and misery. You get to imagine it and think what would you do in a situation like that.
The game allows you to do just that.
With the release of GTA 5 , everybody's jaws dropped. The realism is amazing. You can live a virtual life in a GAME!
Then i got an idea. What if there was an open world game even better then GTA 5, in which you try to survive the living dead. But beating GTA 5 in realism is almost impossible right? That's what i thought when i played GTA Vice City. "This is as real as games can get in simulating real life" i thought back then, but year after year, graphics got better and better and gameplay became even more realistic and amazing. So the conclusion is, that GTA 5 will be funny and will seem so simple compared to the games in the future. That's just the way world works. Cars get outdated, fashion gets outdated etc.
Imagine a game, in which you start by creating your own character representing yourself. You pick the place to live, maybe even your own house if they create real life cities and real life world. GTA 5 map has an area of 130 square kilometers or about 50 square miles. That's huge but it will surely get even bigger in the future open world games. Now just imagine a huge open world, with forest and cities populated with players with their characters all interacting in real time. After everybody created their character up to some date, the game starts. Someone randomly becomes a zombie. They are just unlucky to be the one picked, but those are the rules. Once you start playing, for the next 3 months, nobody new can join the game. The players who started the game are the only players in the game. You can quit if you want, but there is no coming back. It would be a simulation of a zombie apocalypse. You wouldn't have cool radars and maps on the screen, you don't have them in real life. You would probably hear the news about the apocalypse on the television. From that point on you try to survive. You need to eat and drink, you can get sick and ill... you do all the things real human being would do in real life. If you die, you don't control the "zombie you", that's the computers part. Maybe, the apocalypse get's dealt with in couple of hours, or it overwhelms the army and the police who don't respond correctly to the zombie threat.
There are so many possibilities. I made a point earlier that, the game get's locked for 3 months. The reason for doing that would increase the realism of the game. Many people would find that to be boring and stupid, but there are so many players who would love that option in games. After the 3 month lockdown, the game ends and it starts over and over again every 3 months. It doesn't actually has to be a lock down imbedded in a game itself, online servers could make a limit to how much time the gameplay would be locked.
But everybody has to sleep, it would be unfair if somebody played all day long and somebody could play for an hour a day. It's a big problem but it could be resolved by allowing gameplay in a defined time after which the game freezes and prevent's further gameplay until the game starts again. But still, not everybody would be able to play the game on time, so it would be unfair. The singleplayer mode would eliminate that problem alltogether
In a single player mode, you could play until your character dies or when every single zombie or survivor is dead.
I would want to play a game like that untill i get bored. It's just the fact that you test your surviving skill that makes the game interesting. It would enable everyone to experience the apocallypse without the real life dangers of it.
I would love to hear your thoughts on it and any suggestions to how that kind of game would be even more amazing.
If there is anyone who would like to see that game happen, please share this blog and we can just hope that some gaming companies see it and make it a reality.

Author: Zeljko Djokovic.


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